Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Week 13 Totals
time: 12 hrs 47 mins
ytd time: 202 hrs 49 mins
time: 4 hrs
ytd time: 71 hrs 30 mins
distance: 10,200 yds
ytd distance: 313,900 yds
time: 3 hrs 55 mins
ytd time: 87 hrs 50 mins
distance: 57 miles
ytd distance: 1,271 miles
time: 3 hrs 52 mins
ytd time: 39 hrs 49 mins
distance: 23.6 miles
ytd distance: 222.6 miles
Week 13: 11/30 - 12/6
resting hr: 54
soreness/fatigue: 2
Brick 8-10am
I LOVE MY NEW GARMIN! I rode the Dublin grade and then ran the Kane Trail. This was the first brick that the run was suppose to be at threshold pace. I ran 3.5 miles at 8:33/mi pace!!! HOLLER AT A PLAYER! (thats FAST for me).
total: 17miles + 3.5miles (with avg hr: 183bpm - wow thats high)
TVM Masters 11:30am-1pm
total: 3700 yds
Tuesday 12/1
resting hr: 54
soreness/fatigue: 2 - not bad after a hard run for me!
Run 9-10am
Ran a recovery run with Dana. She needed one and we talked a lot (hence our slow slow pace..ha). She has recently moved, so there were a lot of stories about the new house, thanksgiving, holidays, her surgery coming up, etc.
total: 5.6 miles @ 11:02/mi (and avg 140bpm)
TVM Masters 11:30am-1pm
I was expecting Tuesday to still be sprint day (which I can take easy if needed), but TODAY was the first day of December so all the days shifted. It was a good set: 2x150 @ 1:50, 2x150 @1:55, 2x150 @ 2:00, 2x150 @ 2:05 - trying to hold best avg pace. I held 1:45.
total: 4000 yds
Wednesday 12/2
resting hr: 54
soreness/fatigue: 1
Cycle 9am-12pm
Me, Izzie, and Dana rode Calavares and down The Wall and home, I needed a longer ride but oh well. It was cold and we all didn't have time to go out for longer.
total: 40 miles
Thursday 12/3
resting hr: 54
soreness/fatigue: 2
Run 9-11:30am
I NOW HAVE RAN THE FARTHEST I HAVE EVER RUN!! I ran 14.5 miles!! I ran it all on asphalt, and it felt pretty great! Again it felt aerobically great, like I got stronger/faster as I went on.
total: 14.5 miles @ 9:36/mile @ avg 153bpm
Friday 12/4
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 5 (not bad after that run!)
TVM Masters 5-6:30am
OMG - my first morning practice in MONTHS! Junior Olympics (age group swim meet) was being held at the Pleasanton pool Fri, Sat, and Sun - so in order to get the best spot (as a coach) I got into the pool earlier than all the rest of the coaches as a masters swimmer. Me and Daniel set up our coaches tarps and I swam for only 1 hr so I could get out early and protect our spots.
total: 2500 yds
Saturday and Sunday
Junior Olympics is a trials and finals meet for 14 and under qualifying swimmers. It is a big deal for these young kids, and especially our growing team. This weekend was also the COLDEST its been around here. So, basically you get to the pool at 7am, trials start at 9am, trials ended about 12-1pm, finals started at 3pm, and finals ended about 6-6:30pm. I had saved 2 bike workouts that I could do on the trainer for this weekend, figured I could do it after the meet. I was SO COLD and SO DRAINED from the meet I did not want to work out. The kids I coach did great! I had some good coaching moments with them and also, of course, some adolescent counseling.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving Recovery week totals
time: 9 hrs 12 mins (oh that just sounds so sad and pathetic)
ytd time: 190 hrs 2 mins
time: 6 hrs
ytd time: 67 hrs 30 mins
distance: 14,700 yds
ytd distance: 303,700 yds
Bike :(
time: 1 hr 40 mins
ytd time: 83 hrs 55 min
distance: 20 miles (impressive... I know. Chris Lieto watch out!)
ytd distance: 1,214 miles
time: 1 hr 32 mins (so close to the bike total!)
ytd time: 35 hrs 57mins
distance: 10 miles
ytd distance: 199 miles (UGH - wish I would've ran 1 more stupid mile)
Thanksgiving + Recovery Week = uh oh
Monday 11/23
RECOVERY DAY! I had to coach TVM Masters 5am practice (first time to morning practice in months and they had to pay me to get me there!) After that century on Sunday I took a whole day off! Nathan had the day off too, so it was great! We had a pre-Thanksgiving meal at Drew's house that night!
Tuesday 11/24
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 2 - happy I recovered quickly
Cycle 8-10am
Intervals at Tuscany with Izzie. I only had to do 8x1min repeats - Izzie had 12. So, I did some extra at a spinning intensity and some isolated legs.
total: 20 miles
TVM Masters 11:30am-1pm
total: 3200yds
Wednesday 11/25
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 0
Found out I had to cook a turkey TOMORROW! Yes, last minute I know. So, I have to buy and make a turkey, stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole, and finish making TWO centerpieces. UUUUGGGHHHH.
TVM Masters 11:30-1pm
All I did today b/c it was easy.
total: 4000yds
Thursday THANKSGIVNG 11/26
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 0
Woke up at 4:45am to start the Turkey process. It wasn't that hard actually! I had it in the oven in enough time to get to swim practice! YAY! Happy to deplete some calories before consuming them ALL DAY! ;)
TVM Masters 8-9:30am
It wasn't too hard. Daniel let us play SHARKS AND MINNOWS at the end....masters playing sharks and minnows is hilarious!
total: 3500yds
Friday 11/27
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 0
Made it to masters this morning, and then CLEANED MY HOUSE ALL DAY! Like we're talking DEEP clean - oven, microwave, moving furniture, the dogs dishes, etc. And then put up Christmas decorations! YAY! What can I say...its a domestic week! ;)
TVM Masters 8-9:30am
Good practice.
total: 4000yds
Friday night I got to see ROXY AND GEN!! So fun! We played old lady canasta and loved it.
Saturday 11/28
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
I coached TVM Masters this morning - I gave them a GOOD set! ;) Only some whining.
Run 12-12:30pm
First run of the week!? OMG - why do this to myself!!?? I can't take this much time off! I ran with Rio (Emily was out of town so had me take her dog, Rio out) at the Kane Trail. It was the first time using my NEW ANNIVERSARY GIFT: the Garmin Forerunner 305! SO EXCITED!
total: 3miles, 9:12/mile - at dog pace thats good!
Then I decorated a Christmas Tree! :)
Sunday 11/29
resting hr: 54
soreness/fatigue: 2
Run 8:30-9:45am
Took Tank and the Garmin (with the HR today!) to the Kane Trail. Me and Tank ran the trail at dog pace. That was only half my run, and I knew Tank couldn't handle any more. So, I put him in the car - there was food and water and some opened windows for him - and I ran the trail for a second time! I tried to increase my pace the second time on the trial and it worked! Fast pace, but a HIGH HR.
total: 7miles, avg: 9:09/mile, avg hr: 171bpm, max hr: 188bpm (thats ALMOST max)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Week 11: Weekly totals
time: 21hrs 55mins
ytd time: 180hrs 50mis
time: 6hrs
ytd time: 61hrs 30mins
distance: 15,300yds
ytd distance: 289,000yds (decided to see how many MILES that was: 175miles)
time: 12hrs 25mins
ytd time: 82hrs 15mins
distance: 173 miles
ytd distance: 1,194 miles
time: 3hrs 30mins
ytd time: 34hrs 25 mins
distance: 20miles
ytd distance: 189 miles
So, with figuring out that mile total for swimming...going into Thanksgiving week I have totaled: 1,558 miles of training so far!
Week #11 : 11/16-11/22/09
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
Cycle 9-10:30am
Starting to get cold, even at 9am. Do I really have to pull out full fingered gloves?! How depressing to me. Me and Izzie rode Palomares. I did it at "high aerobic intensity" - though I don't think you can ride Palomares with anything but your at max HR! ha.
total: 23miles
TVM Swim 11:30-1pm
Nothing exciting. I realize saying this is not helpful to anyone - but after swimming for 21 years its more of like "been there done that."
total: 4,000yds
Tuesday 11/17
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 2
Run 9-10am
Met up with Mindy (Boston Marathoner) and Dana (frequent training partner - learn the name, you'll see it alot. 2 time IM CDA and is doing IM Canada this year). We ran from ClubSport. I think me and Mindy killed Dana with the pace, but I'm happy I'm getting faster! WOOHOO!
total: 6miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
I think I was "over it" in swim practice. Hung out on the pool deck and socialized for even longer today. It was a sprint day, and I just frankly did not want to sprint. So, I floated - going easy on sprint day is EASY - the intervals are so long, ;)
total: 3000yds
Wednesday 11/18
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 2
I wasn't feeling too good. I could feel my immune system breaking down. Now EVERY YEAR since probably 2001 I have been REALLY sick at Thanksgiving, so knowing this "fate" I listened to my body. I only swam today, and took a nap!
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
I think I was feeling sick too, b/c its getting colder out and then when I swim and don't get my HR up (aka Tuesdays slacker swim) I stay cold for 1.5hrs. Knowing I also had a BIG run tomorrow, I tried to get warm in pool and stay long.
total: 4,000yds
Thursday 11/19
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 2
Run 9am-12pm
The original plan was to have a large group go out for a 7mile run, and I was going to do the loop one more time by myself. Well, Mindy and Izzie had to work, Elaine has pulled calf muscle, Mandy had knee surgery. So, it was me and Dana - which was great b/c I went at Dana's pace for the 7miles, felt great. I had rocktape on my knees - that felt good especially b/c our run was on stupid cement and some asphalt. As we get back to the parking lot (before my 2nd loop) we run into Melinda, so we stop to chat with her............1 hr later I decided if I was going to run a 2nd loop and make it to work I better get going. I was supposed to go 2hrs 20mins, which I know is a lot for this point in the season - but running IS my weak leg! This was a good experiment and now I know that I CAN'T take 1 hr break and have motivation to run 7more! HAHA - I ran 4 more so at least I was over 10 and was fine with that.
total: 11miles
Friday 11/20
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 4 - mostly the JOINTS!
It was DANG cold and windy out! Again, feeling my immune system and knowing I had a BIG ride on Sunday I chose not to get in the pool, get wet hair, and cool off my core body temp etc.
Cycle 7:30-9:30pm
OMG almost 2 hrs on the trainer! Thats good for me, trainers still bore me. I did my interval work (12 x 1.5mins) b/c I think it is actually a good workout to do on a trainer.
total: who knows - lets say 25miles
Saturday 11/21
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 3
TVM Swim 8:30am-10am
Socialized on deck through the first warmup set. And then - "I have a monster ride tomorrow, I have a monster ride tomorrow, I have a monster ride tomorrow" Thats all I kept saying as we went through our MONSTER main set today. I don't think Loren realized HOW MANY yards you COULD get out of this set. The set was 2 repeats on each interval and then drop 10 seconds - you do however many yards you can on each interval. Interval started with 2:40 - so 2x200 @ 2:40, 2x200 @ 2:30, 2x175 @ 2:10, etc etc etc until we were down to 2x25 @ :20.
total: 4300yds
Brick 1-3pm
Yes, another workout before tomorrow. I needed it and so did Izzie. I did not push it though and just did it moderately.
total: 15mile bike + 3mile run
Sunday 11/22
resting hr: 66 - I think b/c waking up early and anxiety about ride
soreness/fatigue: 1-2ish - feeling good
Cycle 8am - 5pm
Del Puerto Canyon Century! Melinda organized a century. It was a route that 99% of us had never done - so being on new road excited everyone! There were literally I think 16 people at the start in Livermore at 8am. IT WAS COLD (42 degrees) - I even had a body warmer stuck on my back. We started up Mines Rd to the Junction (thats a little over 25 miles of 95% uphill). Mines to the Junction is a good ride in itself. At the Junction about half the group were going to turn around, and 8 of us continued on. I rode mostly with Dana (who by the way did the whole ride on a TT bike). You turn left at the Junction onto Del Puerto Canyon and its a 25 mile (mostly) descent into Patterson/I-5 HWY. We stopped and had a FOOT LONG Subway sandwich and then headed right back UP the same direction. I pulled ahead with the men and we climbed back up Del Puerto which at the top is about 2miles of 15% grade! HOLY CRAP - at mile 78 that is HARD! We get to the Junction to regroup, I see Melinda come in next...WHERE IS DANA?! Melinda said Dana had to get off and WALK - I've NEVER seen Dana do that, shes a strongass rider! At the Junction we knew we only had 2 more hard climbs and then it would be easy peasy back to the cars - but we were worried about making it back before dark and Dana was pretty close to bonking. I led the pace of the last 2 climbs (thank God they're done!) and then led a pace line back through Mines Rd. We got back to the cars as the sun set - I think just in time before we were all too nervous. It was a GREAT, HARD ride! I felt good and took care of nutrition well. Total of 7,200ft elevation gain. Where is my hot shower and beer?
total: 110miles
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Weekly Totals
time: 17hrs 55mins
ytd time: 158hrs 55mins
time: 6hrs
ytd time: 55hrs 30mins
distance: 15,000yds
ytd distance: 136,000yds
time: 6hrs 45 mins
ytd time: 69hrs 50mins
distance: 95miles
ytd distance: 1,021miles
time: 5hrs 10mins
ytd time: 30hrs 55mins
distance: 28miles
ytd distance: 169miles
Fri, Sat, Sun
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 5
Well, we didn't know quite what we were getting in to. I either needed a 2 hr foundation ride or a brick that had a 2 hr ride to start with. Me and Izzie were hooking up with Melinda and some of her CS folks, and decided to bring our shoes and "most likely" make it our brick (though we had no idea where we were riding).
Brick 9am-1:30pm
What an adventure! We meet in Livermore, I'm expecting we'll do a local Livermore ride. I hear that we're doing Patterson Pass out to Tracy and then back around the backside of Tesla! I have never done this before.... though I know Patterson Pass is a climb, Tracy is windy, and the backside of Tesla is usually windy and its a climb! FABULOUS (with hint of sarcasm)! We only needed a 2 hr ride - but neither of us quite knowing where this ride is and Melinda saying "It'll be about 2.5hrs." We decided adding an extra 30mins is better than getting lost. Well, 4 hrs later we make it back! HAHA. Don't get me wrong, the ride was GREAT! If there was no wind I would do it once a week. I HATE WIND. Its a mental thing - and its "good" for me to practice. Going up the backside of Tesla in the wind suuuucks! I did not have enough nutrition for a 4 hr ride AND then run....yes, Izzie said lets run. Ugh. Um.....we only ran like 25 mins. But - it was a good transition run right off a long bike, and to experiment being calorie deficient.
total: 50mile ride + I don't know: 2 mile run
Saturday 11/14/09
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 6
THANK GOD I had the excuse of I "have" to go sit at a swim meet all day! ;) It was done early and Heidi came over and we hung out, got coffee, went to Michaels, Nathan made us dinner (take n bake pizza). It was a good afternoon - and I'll take it with a friend anytime.
Sunday 11/15/09
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 4 - recovered well
Run 5:30-6:15am
OMG I got up BEFORE the swim meet and ran! It helps Nathan's alarm starts going off at 5am on Sundays and I hear it first. Tank really needed a run. So, I put on my tights, gloves, winter hat, and a light on Tank and off we went into the winter morning.
total: 4 miles
Then I went and sat on my butt at a swim meet.
Cycle 7-9pm
I sat on my trainer Sunday night and did my interval work. I think the trainer is a good option for interval work actually, so it was fun. I had to do 17x1.5mins fast with 2 mins active recovery.
total: lets say 25miles
Thursday, November 12, 2009
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
Run 8-10:10am
Since I skipped my long run on Sunday, I did it today. That means no day off this week! It was a GREAT run though. I ran on the Ironhorse Trail so I could tell how far I was going. It was great aerobically, my knees and hips hurt the last 2 miles. But VERY HAPPY to have ran it all and hold pace the whole way!
total: 13miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
After that run I was pretty useless. I floated - and floated SLOW! But it was great to use that as recovery.
total: 3000yds
11/10/09 Tuesday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 9 - haha.
Cycle 9-10:30am
Ugghh...I have to ride? At race pace?! Ouch. Not quite able to avgerage it out, but close enough.
total: 20miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Did it, felt better, non-exiting.
total: 3500yds
11/11/09 Wednesday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 5
Run 8:30-9:30am
Hill repeats with Tank! HE LOVES THESE! And so far, this workout he can always beat me at. Had to do 12x1mins. But it was ok. I used Rocktape for the first time, and LOVED IT! I'll be using it again, but its expensive so I'll monitor it.
total: don't know - total of 56mins - I'll say 3 miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
IM day and Veterans day so there were a lot of people there! Fun times!
total: 4000yds
11/12/09 Thursday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 2
Run 9:30-10:30am
Ran with Izzie, Dana, and met Mandy and Mindy (Dana's friends). Mindy has ran the Boston Marathon and I was happy to keep up with her!! Mandy had to cut it short. Me and Mindy ran and several miles around an 8:30 pace! WOWWW! Good run for me. Will have to meet up again, I can learn a lot.
total: 6miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Ohmy....distance day. No one showed up! haha Well, I got my own lane. The set was 2x1650's. The first one was 3x500 descend with 10 seconds rest between, and then 150 fast. Second one was 16x100 at fastest interval possible and a 50 fast.
total: 4500yds
Weekly Totals
Weekly totals
time: 14hrs 25mins
ytd time: 141hrs
time: 5hrs
ytd time: 49hrs 30mins
distance: 13,000yds
ytd distance: 121,000yds
time: 8hrs 5mins
ytd time: 63hrs 5mins
distance: 118mi
ytd distance: 926mi
time: 1hr 20mins
ytd time: 25hrs 45mins
distance: 6mi
ytd distance: 141mi
Sunday, November 8, 2009
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 5 -I'm tired!
I was going to get in my brick today, but I had to Tank out for some exercise. I wasn't going to have time to do a brick and swim. So, I just swam. I was tired and my butt hurt, so resting it was a smart idea too.
TVM Masters 11:30am-1pm
Good thing I only swam today! It was HARD! Me and Scott had a separate workout. We had to do 3x(1x300 pull @4:00 + 3x100 descend 1-3 @1:30 + 6x50 200 pace @1:00) The middle round I did IM and fly 50's. By the end I went 59 on my 100 free and :30 on the 50's.
total: 4500yds
11/5 Thursday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 3 on soreness 5 on fatigue
Since I didn't get in my brick Wednesday I needed to get it in today. But weird b/c Wednesday night NATHAN said he wanted to RUN IN THE MORNING!! How can I deny that?! So, I was going to run with him and count it towards my brick.
Run 7:30-8am
Nathan said he wanted to run for 30minutes. I was impressed he wanted to go that far. Well, 15 minutes out and we walked the whole way back! Haha.
total: 1.5miles
Brick 12-1:30pm
I did do my brick. I rode in Livermore and ran the backside of Shadowcliffs.
total: 20miles/2miles
LVTC Lap swim 2-2:30pm
Um, yes....good ol lap swim. Which means, sit in the hot tub, swim 1,000yds, and sit in the hot tub again.
total: 1000yds
11/6 Friday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 3
Funny story...me and Izzie were planning a 4+ hr ride today. Except she finds out that she didn't have Friday out, but Thursday and had to WORK Friday. So, I spent the morning debating on whether I could do a 4+hr ride by myself and safely!
Cycle 12-1:30pm
I didn't ride by myself and Izzie said she could ride Saturday. So, canceled my trip up to Davis alumni meet. I did my interval work on the bike.
total: 20miles
11/7 Saturday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 2
Cycle 8-12pm
Me and Izzie got out on our long ride. It was cold in the beginning, didn't start taking nutrition early enough b/c drinking cold fluid didn't sound fun. We rode Calavares and to Sierra. It's been a LONG time since Sierra and some steep climbs. Oh what fun that head wind on the way back was! So fun, I miss long ride...I need more.
total: 50miles
Annnnnd then....it was Erin's bday party that night. I was gonna go have pizza and a couple of beers.... until Daniel brought 10 yr old aged slovakian moonshine. Hm, needless to say it was some fun party night.
11/8 Sunday
hungover - NO WORKING OUT!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
11/2, 11/3
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 3
My butt hurts from Sundays brick (or the run of that). Its like the top of my butt/tailbone right before it turns into the back.
Cycle 9-10:45am
Me and Izzie rode Calavares from home. I needed to do 1hr 45mins at high aerobic intensity. Izzie was just getting in a foundation ride. Well, off I went. OUCH OUCH OUCH. I was able to hold average 10mph UP Calavares which I thought was good, made it past the summit but not to the eagles nest.
total: 28miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
I was DONE. My butt hurt and the cycling at high aerobic wiped me. I was MAJOR slacker at swimming...loved it!
total: 4000yds
11/3 Tuesday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 4
Run 9:40-10:30am
I had a 50 min run with 10x1min hill repeats. I needed to Tank out...really...he NEEDED to run. We went up to my parents house and ran the fire road behind their house. Tank actually did really great with the hill repeats. It was hard, I don't get how this will make you faster but stronger.
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Speed day at TVM, but it was easy. I did it mostly fly, which therefore means 200 pace and not actually fast! ;) I did some head up swimming too! Jaime had some good suggestions.
total: 3500yds
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Weekly Totals
time: 16 hrs 40 mins
ytd time: 126 hrs 35 mins
time: 7 hrs
ytd time: 44 hrs 30 mins
distance: 15,600 yds
ytd distance: 108,100 yds
time: 6 hrs 45 mins
ytd time: 55 hrs
distance: 97 mi
ytd distance: 808 mi
time: 2 hrs 55mins
ytd time: 24 hrs 25 mins
distance: 18 mi
ytd distance: 135 mi
10/30, 10/31, 11/1
10/30 Friday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1 - I'm lovin the recovery week!
I had to take my parents to SFO airport. Due to the Bay Bridge closure, my OCD father thought we needed to leave 6 hrs before their flight. It wasn't that bad, and I made it home in time to get in a workout before swimming.
Run 9-10am
Me, Izzie, and Tank ran the Kane Trail. I was feeling good, Tank was pooped at the end....I like when I'm faster than a creature with 4 legs! Must mean I'm improving if I can run faster than my dog!
total: 6miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
It was good. There were a good mix of people, and so thats always fun.
total: 4000yds
Then Friday night was Karin and Doug's Halloween party! I twisted Nathan's arm and he said he'd go!! I am so blessed to have a husband who will dress up and go to a party that is outside his comfort zone. We dressed up as Jack and Jill - who had went up the hill to fetch a pail of water! ;)
10/31 Saturday
resting hr: 60
fatigue/soreness: 2 - a little tired b/c we were softies and let Tank sleep on the bed. WHY WOULD WE DO THAT?! He's 90lbs and takes up a lot of room!
TVM Swim 9-10am
I didn't need to swim, but Izzie did and we tried to convince Erin to come out and ride with us after swimming. So, I came late and splashed around.
total: 2000yds
Cycle 10:30am-12:30pm
We left from the pool and rode Kilkare. I decided to try it for time at about 70-80%. I did it in 17minutes. I can't remember my best time; all I know is that Jim beat me by 1 minute. Either I did it in 15 or 16.
total: 25miles
Happy Halloween!! Then I took Tank to the dog park, went to FCC's Fall Family Festival, got free Chipotle with the Bromley's, and crashed at home with the hubby.
11/1 Sunday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 2
Run 8-8:30am
I was supposed to run yesterday, buuuut it was halloween. So, I took Tank out for a run - we didn't last long, but thats ok.
total: 3miles
Brick 2-5pm
Met up with Izzie after church at Campo di Bocce. We rode Del Valle. I realized at the top I had a flat tire!!! WHAT THE HECK!? That is 4 tubes in 8 weeks! I have gone 1 year without a flat - I'm not happy! ha. We got back, changed shoes, used Starbucks bathroom, and started to ran! I decided to try to get out a little faster. I was only supposed to go 30mins and Izzie 45mins - I was going to go 45 with Izzie. I definitely can't hold that pace the whole way, I started to cramp at the end and needed some nutrition. We both negative split the run, which is great!
total: 22miles/4.5miles
YAY! Done for the week!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
10/26, 10/27, 10/28, 10/29
10/26 Monday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
Cycle 8:30-10:30am
Me, Izzie, and JoLynn rode Calavares from the nurseries. It was a gorgeous day. JoLynn dominated on her first time on Calavares, she is a NATURAL on the descents! Also, JoLynn said we can hop a fence to go for a run up there; so if we get caught we'll know who to blame! ;)
total: 28miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Monday Monday Monday. Pretty noneventful, long but not hard - but its starting to get COLD out!
total: 4200yds
10/27 Tuesday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
Run 9:20-10:10am
Me, Izzie, and Tank went to the Ironhorse Trail and did our Fartleks! I felt good...even on the asphalt! Tank was POOPED OUT by the end - I love having a dead dog at home! :)
total: 4.5miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
It is COLD AND WINDY! Hardly anyone at swimming today. I was the only "lane 1" person, so Shannon slid over. It was a nice, easy set for me as lane 1 & 2 did the same interval. I'm ALL OK with that on a recovery week.
total: 3800yds
10/28 Wednesday
resting hr: 54
soreness/fatigue: 2
Coaching last night was rough. I had a major runny nose and was chilled to the bone from the wind! When I woke up on Wednesday I didn't feel 100%. I decided that distance day at TVM + a 1hr run would only break down my immune system. So, instead me and Tank took a 3 HOUR NAP! IT WAS AMAZING! :)
total: nada (dog walk)
10/29 Thursday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
Cycle 9-10:30am
Me and Izzie did hill repeats at Tuscany. I had 1minute repeats, Izzie had 1:30. I was able to get farther than the last time I did 1min so I was HAPPY! Hill repeats are still tough, but excited that it'll make us stronger!
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
So, distance day at TVM yesterday was 4x1000's. Big suprise that not a lot of people came today!! haha. It was empty, and those of us that were there slacked off before getting in. Once we got in it was a good practice. I felt good.
total: 3600yds
Monday, October 26, 2009
Weekly Totals
time: 16hrs 45 mins
ytd time: 109hrs 55mins
time: 5 hrs
ytd time: 37hrs 30mins
distance: 14,000yds
ytd distance: 92,5000yds
time: 7hrs 30mins
ytd time: 48hrs 15mins
distance: 100miles
ytd distance: 711miles
time: 4hrs 15mins
ytd time: 21hrs 30mins
distance: 22miles
ytd distance: 117miles
10/23, 10/24, 10/25
10/23 Friday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 5
Izzie's hip hurt from Thursday's long run, so we did not run in the morning!
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Swimming was the only thing I did today. Izzie said I could! ;)
total: 4000 yds
10/24 Saturday
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 2
I had to coach today - it was exhuasting! I took a nap with Tank afterwards, and never made it out for a workout.
total: NADA!
10/25 Sunday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
Well....now I have saved 3 workouts for 1 day!
Run 8:30-9:20am
Me and Tank left the house and ran the Kane Trail (its the Bernal footpath - they finally named it! There's a sign and all!). It was a fartlek run with 8x30second sprints. It felt good!!
total: 5miles
I was able to go to church, which was really exciting. After, I came home and did get in 1 more workout solo!
Brick 2-4pm
Rode Calavares and ran with Tank. I got a SUPER bad cramp and Tank was tired - so we walked.
total: 25miles/2miles
Friday, October 23, 2009
10/21 & 10/22
resting hr: 54 (wow!)
soreness/fatigue: 4 - I did not do my nutrition too wisely on the long ride, and I think that is why I'm not fully recovered.
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Me and JoLynn were going to ride Calavares this morning, but Jacob needed his #1 at REI this morning. So, I ran errands in the morning with Tank b/c it was an overcast morning! I made it swim practice, barely remembering it is distance day. Last Wednesday took me 4 days to recover from; so, I was a little concerned. More concerned when Scott, my brother, and me were lane 1. Scott can totally kick both me and Adam's butts, my plan was to hold on. Main set was: 2x800, 2x600, 2x400 - all on 1:20 base and second one for time. I did it at my own pace and was fine (even passed Adam on the 400). Still a hard set and I'm tired!
total: 4500yds
Recovery run 2-2:35pm
I was supposed to do a recovery run yesterday after the long ride. Well, I didn't want to go out at night so I saved it for today. I went to LVTC straight from TVM, no lunch or bar or anything (not too smart). I ran on the treadmill, b/c I wanted to see if I could handle running on a treadmill (practice for winter) and at least today was only 35mins. It was INCREDIBLY BORING! And I don't like people listening to me stomp on a treadmill. But whatever - I did it!
total: 3miles
Bike Trainer 8-9pm
I did get on my trainer tonight. Figured I needed to get a foundation ride in, nothing special. But, like a treadmill, trainers are INCREDIBLY BORING (especially if you don't have a workout your doing with it). I lasted 1 hour before I got off, used the trainer as a bike stand, and cleaned up my bike.
total: lets say - 15miles
10/22 Thursday
resting hr: 60 (couldn't hold that 54 I guess)
soreness/fatigue: 3
Long Run 9:50am - 12:10pm
Went out to Walnut Creek, Shell Ridge with Izzie, Dana, Elaine, and Harold. Dana and Elaine were going to do 10miles, and was trying to convince Harold to stay out for all of that too. I needed to increase my running, so I was going to go another 10mins past the 5mile mark and assume that'd be 6miles (for total of 12). I was planning on running faster than the group in hopes to turn around and catch them on the way back. Izzie is an animal and forgets her hip is not doing too well and went out fast. So, we're running together and the rest are behind us. Izzie tears up the uphills and slowly and surely I find my stride and negative split. At the 5 mile mark Izzie says she'll go another 5mins (of my 10mins) past and then turn around. When I finally turn around, she is still standing on the trail. She didn't know which way to go! haha. Its gorgeous to run out there, way better than the road. If I have to do 12 miles, thats how I like it. It was tough, I am sore. Izzie I think is actually injured but too stubborn to go get herself checked out, b/c they'll just say to "stop running."
total: 12miles
LVTC lap swim 2:30-3pm
I went straight to LVTC so I could get in a recovery swim. Was planning for a 1 hour swim, but then ended up going into the hot tub first.....do I ever have to come out?! It was so nice! Finally got in and was tired, hurting, and bored. I did 2000yds and went back to the hot tub before showering.
total: 2000 yds
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
10/19 & 10/20
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
I was going to take the WHOLE day off from training (which I was pretty excited about) and clean my house/catch up on life. But - looking at my week of workouts, I knew I'd have trouble squeezing in 4 swims.
TVM Masters 11:30am -1pm
So, I went to swim practice. I was not motivated though. AND - when I started warmup my right arm had some shooting numbness, so pinched nerve somewhere. So, needless to say with a boring 2400yard main set - I went easy and technique oriented. I even got out 10 mins early, b/c I was bored and just "done." I think since it was my "day off" it somehow gave me more warrant to.
total: 3500yds
10/20 Tuesday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 1
Cycle 8:30am-1pm
Me, Dana, and Terri were trying to meet up and get in a long ride together. Terri had an appointment she was "trying" to move. No one had a preference about where to ride this long ride. We ended up staying local so Terri could get back for her appointment. We rode Calavares and came back the Foothill route. I needed to get in 4 hrs and that was not going to cut it. So, me and Dana continued on and did the Dublin grade and then back home. It was a 3hr 56mins and that was close enough to call 4 hours! Terri and Dana are studs....on Sunday Terri ran the Nike womens half marathon and Dana did a 20 mile run! Hardcore ladies.
total: 60miles
Monday, October 19, 2009
Weekly totals
time: 16hrs 15mins
ytd time: 93hrs 10mins
time: 6hrs
ytd time: 32hrs 30mins
distance: 15,800yds
ytd distance: 78,500yds
time: 6hrs 35mins
ytd time: 40hrs 45mins
distance: 102miles
ytd distance: 611miles
time: 3hrs 40mins
ytd time: 17hrs 15mins
distance: 20miles
ytd distance: 95miles
10/17 & 10/18
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 7
Run 7:40-8:30am
Me and Tank braved the Pleasanton Ridge this morning! It was gorgeous and pretty fun. It still is really hard to run the whole way up though - I had to walk a bit. Slow run up - fast run down. Wish we had more time do run the trails that go along the top, but we had to get home to go to a Habitat for Humanity brunch in Lafayette at 10am.
total: I'm sure it was like 3miles or something
The rest of Saturday consisted of Habitat brunch, Lynee's baby shower, and Ron's birthday party! Phew - thats more tiring than a run anyday!
10/18 Sunday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 5
Run 9:20-10am
Me and Tank ran the Bernal footpath long enough to make up little parts of runs I skipped all week. Ironically, I felt best on this run all week!! Tank was pooped out.
total: 4miles
Went to church for the first time in October - working too much!
Cycle 2-4pm
Did hill repeats with Izzie. I had to do 11x1.5mins @ VO2Max. It was rough!
total: 22miles
Friday, October 16, 2009
10/15 & 10/16
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 5
TVM Masters 11:30am-1pm
Went to master and it was tough AGAIN! I did a 100, 200, 300, 200, 100, 200, 300, 200, 100. All this hard stuff in one week!? Geez - like I'm a swimmer or something.
total: 4200 yds
Run 1:30-2:20pm
I ran home from the pool and added a bit to it. I was already pretty fatigued and it was strangely VERY HOT! It wasn't my most enjoyable run, but I did it.
total: 5 miles
Cycle 8:30-10pm
I pulled out my trainer! Nathan was out with some boys Thursday night, so I was able to have the whole night. So, I set up the trainer and watched TV. Trainers are boring, next time I'll have to do it with one of the videos I have.
total: I don't know - lets say 30 miles
10/16 Friday
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 8 - is it over yet!? ;)
Brick 8:30-11am
I think I'm really this fatigued just b/c of the swimming, not fully recovered (and plus rode last night and went straight to bed). Me and Izzie were supposed to ride with Melinda, but 7am Melinda noticed her bike needed to be taken into the shop. So me and Izzie got in our brick - of Kilkare and the Bernal footpath. I didn't have to swim today, but I was going to try b/c we usually do. But I was DONE - I showered and lay on the couch with Tank for a bit before the dog park.
total: 25miles/3miles
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
10/13 & 10/14
It was a STORM! First rain of the year, and it rained ALL DAY! I was going to take the whole day off until Adam C. texted me about bring his goggles to practice.
TVM Masters 11:30am -1pm
Me and Erin got there at the same time, and waited with Mary. We were not going to be the only reason Mary had to stand out in the rain!! Well, there was 7 of us - I reluctantly got in. After practice I cuddled with Tank on the couch until coaching!
total: 3500 yds
10/14 Wednesday
Run 9:15-10:05am
Had a 50min run with 9x30second fartlek sprints. Me and Tank ran together on the IronHorse Trail, Tank kept a good pace b/c he was stuck on leash! Ha! Only got rained on a bit.
total: 5.5miles
TVM Masters 11:30am-1pm
Well, today was an A$$Kicker!!! Main set was 9x400 - 2 @ 5:00 and 1 50kick+50swim @ 6:00. It was hard!
total: 4500 yds
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Jan Frydendahl
He is a rough and tough guy...he "teaches" Ohlones weight lifting PE class and lifts weights for 4 hours twice a week.
He was my first club swim coach...starting me lifting weights, swimming fast, and beating us up.
He was the MSJ Varsity swim coach...he let us play "animal ball" every Friday and when he joined us in the pool for a workout - watch out!
He was my AP Stats teacher...he has his PhD in Math and head of Math Dept at MSJ.
He is close to my whole family...has come up to our family cabin etc with his wife.
We have stayed close through the years (with his wife too) and have many weight lifting sessions, surf trips, climbing gyms trips, and the ocassional wrestling session.
For the past several years he has been telling me that my DENSITY (not destiny) is for open water marathon swimming! He is the only male that can infer that being "dense" is a compliment! ;) Whenever I see him he says I need to start training for some 5k's, 10k's, Marathon, and the English Channel (and he'd even captain the boat!).
Well, I get an email from him last night. I'll post it and my reply:
Monday, October 12, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 1
Don't have to coach this evening, so scheduled a later workout time. Me and Nathan got to have breakfast with Josh and Kristi which was GREAT! I love eating breakfast out!
TVM Masters 11:30am-1pm
Monday was Monday. Nothing too exciting - getting cold outside and windy! Though I was still able to stand outside and not warm-up like I usually do! ;)
total: 3800yds
Cycle 1:45-3:30pm
Me, Izzie, and Terri rode Kilkare from the pool. Izzie was not feeling too good. I was tired myself and Terri was just along for the fun of it! We always have a good time talking, so all-in-all a good ride!
total: 25miles
10/11 & Weekly Totals
I was going to try to wake up and do my run at 5am and then head to the swim meet in Walnut Creek. Well, didn't happen. I coached in Walnut Creek and then headed out to SF for Yukas Bachelorette Party!! We started at Hannah and James' place - which is fabulous! And went out. It was fun, but boy oh boy am I too old to stay out until 3am. I got 2 hours of sleep and went straight to Walnut Creek to coach again. The meet ended pretty early which was amazing, b/c I was able to go home and take a nap!
Sunday 10/11
Run 5:15-6pm
Ran on the footpath by my house with Tank. 45 min run with 6x30 secs Fartlek sprints. It was pretty fun doing this, and pretty easy to recover between the VO2 max sprints.
total: 5 miles
Weekly Totals:
total time: 15 hrs 25 mins
YTD time: 76 hrs 55 mins
time: 4 hrs
ytd time: 26 hrs 30 mins
distance: 9,600 yds
ytd distance: 62,700 yds
time: 7 hrs 10 mins
ytd time: 34 hrs 10 mins
distance: 96 miles
ytd distance: 509 miles
time: 4 hrs 15 mins
ytd time: 13 hrs 35 mins
distance: 21 miles
ytd distance: 75 miles
Friday, October 9, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 3
Cycle 8:30am-10:15am
On todays training schedule was first time to do hill repeats. The workout was warmup and then 12 X 1:00 VO2 Max hill + 2:00 recovery. OHMIGOOOOODNESSSS! At about the 4th one I wanted to die. Izzie's workout was only 6 interval sprints, she was doing on the flats below me. She finished and said she'd do the last 6 hill repeats with me. I really didn't think I was going to make it to 12!! Izzie kicked my butt on the first couple she joined me on...and then it hit her around the same time it hit me. But at that point I had passed through that "death" point into "adaptation" and was able to push hard the last few repeats. I think those workouts will make us GREAT, STRONG cyclists! I'm excited......but oh man does it hurt! Darn you VO2Max.
total: 20miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
I went straight from the cycling workout to Stoneridge mall...in my spandex, yellow sunglasses, and cool cycling socks. SUPER COOL GIRL. I had to buy Yuka's lingerie/bachelorette party gift! Again super cool walking into Victoria Secrets like I was! ha! By TVM swim time...I'm beat! There were 5 of us in lane 1 (thats crowded!). But, that means I can draft off more people and just get lost in the background....which is what I needed today. It was a pretty boring set anyways, so I didn't feel too bad that I did not push it.
total: 3200yds
10/7 & 10/8
resting hr: 60 - I think I have leveled off at 60
soreness/fatigue: 3
Today was a bit of a hectic day. I couldn't get my first workout in in the morning b/c we had to pick up the Subaru at 9am. I took Tank for a short walk, but I knew that wasn't going to be enough for him all day either! Driving into Fremont at 8:30am/9am has some traffic, so I got back to Pleasanton, ready to start my day a little later than had hoped. Oh well.
Brick 10:30am-12:30pm
I think stressing about the 2 workouts, the dogs exercise, the car, and not being home this night just got me in a funk. I rode the Dublin Grade and finally got over my pitty party and started to "workout" about half way through the ride. My run was gonna be on the footpath on Bernal and only had to be 30 mins. After doing the bricks for a couple of weeks now, I think it is best that I always use the bathroom before running. :) Since there was no bathroom I made a stop in the trees about half way.
total: 18miles/3miles
LVTC lap swim 1:45-2:45pm
With my hectic day and trying to fit in workouts, I was upset that I couldn't fit in my swim with TVM. I took Tank to a quick dogpark visit (in my spandex) and then headed out to LVTC. I swam by myself (which therefore means....um, lazy lap swimmer) and of course got bored pretty quickly and got out in time for my meeting with Alex.
total: 3000 yds
After coaching I went into Fremont for Bryan Allen's going away party at CityBeach! BEST PART OF MY DAY! Since I quit REI about 1 month ago it was GREAT to see some REI friends (and Mike and BV too)! ;)
Thursday 10/8
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 2
Run 9:30am-noon
Dana (super Forward Motion lady, 2 time IM CDA finisher, IM Canada 2010) was doing a long run on Thursday and invited me along. I was a little nervous running a long run with people b/c I don't want to hold them up. She assured me it was a slow pace trail run with, of course, some sight seeing along the way. We drove out to Sports Basement in Walnut Creek, met her 2 friends and headed out to Shell Ridge Regional Park. We were going for 10 miles and I must admit it was a LOVELY SLOW pace (I even led the pack!)! We walked when we saw some wildlife (tarantula, snake, and hikers PUPPIES!) and only walked the tops of a couple of hills. It was a GREAT way to put in 10 miles! It wasn't hard at all! We then went to Sports Basement b/c one of the ladies had coupons....bought some nutrition and CO2 cartridges. Then the lady (I'm blanking on her name) had coupons for Peets Coffee right next door, so we went and grabbed some pumpkin lattes and sat and chatted for about 1 hour. By the time I got home I showered, took Tank to the dogpark, and headed to work.
total: 10miles
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 2
Cycle 8:30-12pm
Me, Izzie, Dana and Terri rode Morgan Territory today! It is Izzies nemisis. It is a tough ride. It has 6 county lines to race. It is gorgeous. These are GREAT athletes to ride with and are all very fun. I hadn't seen Terri in a couple of months, so it was nice to catch up. I was supposed to do a 4hr ride, but even after riding all the way home I was only at 3 hrs. But it was a HARD 3 hrs, so I stopped.
total: 40miles
Run 7:15-7:45pm
Was supposed to do a 35min "recovery run." I had to drop of my moms car, so I took Tank and was gonna run from their house 35 mins somewhere. Ran in 12 Oaks for 15 mins so Tank could be off leash. Then ran around some local neighborhoods. I was making 1 last loop and totally tripped and fell. I scraped my knee :( So, with that....I headed home 5 mins early.
total: assuming 3 miles
Monday, October 5, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 1
Cycle 8:30-9:50am
Me and Izzie rode the Dublin grade. I got another flat, and looked like my tire had several knicks in them that went all the way through. We fixed it, but I needed to get a new tire. It is definitely fall riding, a bit cool and crisp (and of course all the pumpkin patches are open!).
total: 18 miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
It was going to be a Monday easy workout, but I was thinking that it would be good training to do a 1,000 yds for time once a month. Knowing that this was going to be my easiest day of training all week, I got the guts to do it. Daniel said he wanted to see a 11:10....I laughed in his face saying that I wanted to be under 12:00!! He said he would not time that "crap" and said it AT LEAST had to be an 11:30. Now, I still consider that fast; I was going to be really happy with an 11:40 which is a 1:10 base. Well, my first 1000 fast since April and I went an 11:34 which I thought was a good compromise between me and Daniel. Plus, I checked my 500 split and it was about a 5:45 which means I basically even split it (which is great!) Maybe I should work my way up to multiple 1,000 for time. ;)
total: 3400 yds
Weekly Totals
total week hours trained: 15hrs 15mins
YTD hours: 61hr 30mins
time: 6 hrs
YTD time: 22hr 30 mins
distance: 14,800yds
YTD distance: 55,800yds
Bike -
time: 8hrs 15mins
YTD time: 27hrs
distance: 108miles
YTD distance: 413 miles
Run -
time: 1 hr
YTD time: 9hrs 20mins
distance: 6miles
YTD distance: 54miles
Fri, Sat, & Sun
resting hr: 60
soreness/fatigue: 3
I played "catch-up" on some chores and errands today. I saved my workouts till later in the day.
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
total: 4000 yds
I was supposed to run 40 mins and was going to try to get in done in Livermore on some of the dirt trails
Run 2:45-3:15pm
I didn't make it 40 mins due to time and heat (and lets be honest...laziness). But it was something to make me sweat.
total: 3 miles
Saturday 10/3/09 and Sunday 10/4/09
Friday night me, Adam, and Nathan headed up to Kirkwood for the families "work weekend." I still needed to do a 1hr 10min run, so I brought my shorts and shoes and thought I could squeeze in a run Sunday before we came home. Well, when we woke up Sunday morning there was 6 inches of SNOW!!! Needless to say, I did NOT run. And then we had Jenn Nelson's wedding Sunday night...IT WAS A BLAST! So, I did not run very much all week, but this is why we're doing this over 9 months.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
resting hr: 60
fatigue/soreness: 3
Cycle 8-9:30am
Today was interval sprints at Tuscany. Izzie had to do 9x:20 and I only had to do 6x:20....so, I played photographer for the extra rounds. We were able to push a good mph after yesterdays hard ride.
total: 20 miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
I was major slacker today. Waited out and talked in the sun for even LONGER than usual (like thats even possible!) HA! Practice was good though - I've been able to hold a lot of water, only 2 beat kick, and make intervals!
total: 3100yds
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 2
Cycle 8:30am-2:30pm
Me, Izzie, and Dana took advantage of the start of the fall weather and got in a long ride on Mines out to the Junction. I hadn't done this in over 6 months! It is one of my favorite rides - absolutely gorgeous!!! Its a good, hard ride and we pushed it pretty good! Dana is a great athlete and did IM CDA two year straight - so a WEALTH of wisdom, experience, and advice. It was my longest ride sine the Death Ride in July, I could definitely feel it. This workout was definitely not part of the "recovery" week - but its SO nice to get in a "whole" ride.
total: 60 miles
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 4 -still too high for a recovery week!
Brick 8-10am
JoLynn came out to ride with us today! It was great to see her kick butt, in only TOE CLIPS! Wish we could've gave her better weather, but even with some cold wind and runny nose that didn't stop her! I have pictures - I'll post soon! Today was a brick - 1.5 hr bike + 30 min run. Seemed somewhat long for a "recovery" week brick. So when our ride only ended up being 1 hr, I didn't complain too much. The run was fine, I think I've really developed a pattern of the first 10 mins being the transition time. Hopefully doing more bricks will lesson this #, but its nice to know that after 10 mins its great.
total: 13mi + 3mi
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Well, this practice did NOT fall into "recovery" either! Main set was 4x500 on 6:30!!!!!! UGH. Descend 1 to 4. I slid in the guppy lane b/c I KNEW the boys would go out too fast and die - and mess me up in the process. My pride is not hurt admiting that I cannot start with a 6:00 500 and descend from there - just not possible. So, in order to descend and not die - I did a 6:20, 6:10, 5:57, 5:47. I beat the boys on the last 1 (maybe 2). That hurt though - huge headache. I don't think I hydrated enough after the brick. We technically don't have a swim workout after a brick - but I can't fit in a swim on the weekend.
total: 4100yds
Monday, September 28, 2009
fatigue/soreness: not too much fatigue but a 5 on soreness
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Aw yes for a Masters Monday workout AND during my recovery week! YAY! It was a nice and easy aerobic workout. I took it easy and floated through most of it - it was nice to slack off a bit!
total: 3500 yds
Cycle 3:30-4:30pm
I didn't have to coach today (yay)! And today was finally cooler (yay)! I was supposed to do a 1 hr ride. It was fabulous! I rode most of it in first gear and spun really easy. It was the easiest ride I've ever done...haha. Hopefully the cars passing by didn't think I was lame.
total: 15miles
Weekly Totals
YTD trained hours: 46hrs 15mins
total time: 6hrs
YTD time: 16hrs 30mins
distance: 14,000yds
YTD distance: 41,000yds
total time: 7hrs 5mins
YTD time: 18hrs 45mins
distance: 113miles
YTD distance: 305miles
total time: 2hrs 50mins
YTD time: 8hrs 20mins
distance: 16 miles
YTD distance: 48 miles
Sunday, September 27, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 6
Went to coach at a swim meet in Oakland today. Was there from 7am-3pm. It was a good first meet, early in the season for the kids. And again it was pretty warm. I needed to run today and was going to have to wait until the evening so it was cooler.
Run 8:10-9:50pm
YAY! I did it!!! 1 hr and 40 mins!! I really don't know if running can be/is supposed to be pain free?! Since it was at night I ran on popular roads with sidewalks to be safe and give Nathan some peace of mind. But thats a lot of pavement to run on; I found about 1 mile of dirt, and that felt SO much better. But really - is there a way to run on pavement without pain? On the other-hand, I was aerobically GREAT, it was an easy pace and could've gone more!!! It gave me good confidence that I'll be able to handle a marathon (aerobically). It did include a 5 min restroom stop to lose some weight. ;)
total: 10 miles
HALLELUJAH that week is done! Time for a RECOVERY WEEK!
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 8 - is the week over yet?
Cycle 7:30-11:15am
I joined up with Melinda and her ClupSport group. It was nice to ride with Melinda, had not talked to her since she did IM Lake Placid (oh yeah - shes about to do her 4th double century! and lots of advice)! They were going to ride from ClubSport to Calavares' Wall. I rode from home to ClubSport, just in case I needed to go for some extra to make 3.5hrs. It was a good group to ride with, all pretty strong cyclists that pushed me harder than I expected to go. It was over 90degrees by 10:30am and I easily went through 2 water bottles!! Once we got to Foothill I knew I'd be close to the scheduled time for the workout - it was hot and I was tired so it was close enough and I stopped as I passed by home! Ended up total ride time of 3 hr 15 mins - clllooooose enough if you ask me!
total: 50 miles
Run N/A
I was supposed to go on a 35 min "recovery" run. I still put quotations around recovery b/c running is never recovery enough. HA! Well, it was well over 100degrees and I deep cleaned the house all day because we were hosting a dinner. Too hot to run before dinner, and once our friends left it was way too late. So, no run today.
total: 0 miles
Friday, September 25, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 7 - I'm pretty tired at this point.
Cycle 9:30-11am
The workout was 1.5hrs with 9x20 sec sprints + 2:00 active recovery. We had been riding out to Tuscany to these interval sprints, for some reason I didn't want to go out there by myself. So, instead I rode out to Calavares and did my intervals on the rolling hills before the climb. It was good! I was impressed that I could be at 24mph going up a roller.
total: 23miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Not enough time to recover between workouts! It was sprint day - starting with underwater kick! HA! It felt exactly like the bike workout I just finished (aka - shoot the legs for 20 seconds, feel them burn, and almost cramp...and then try to recover quickly) Ha. Somewhat glad that was my last swim workout for the week.
total: 3000yds
soreness/fatigue: 4
Run 9:30-10:15am
We're trying to find and run on as much dirt as possible to be nicer to our joints. Izzie said she found a trail thats not incredibly hilly that goes around the golf course on Happy Valley. I actually
total: 4 miles
TVM Swim 11:30am -1pm
Todays set was relatively easy, which was great for me! Pretty empty at workout. I led lane 2, which was good b/c this set catered to the boys forte and they attacked the set and felt good about themselves in lane 1. They had a great set. It was 4 times through a 200 strong pull @ 2:45 + 4x50 recover @1:00. So, I pulled "strong" just not "fast" like the boys did. ha.
total: 3800yds
Weights 2:50-3:30pm
Aw, the great excuse of talking cutting a workout short! ;) I talked with Emily too long and could only go through the weight routine 1x15reps each. Which is great b/c the perceived pain is less and the ability to get super sore is less!
total: 1x15reps each exercise
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 3
Brick 8:30-10:20am
We met at 8:30am and rolled by 8:40am from Campo de Bocce and rode Del Valle. It was already real warm, and only a slight breeze. We were able to use our arrowbars for most of it, which is good b/c I need the practice! We headed out on the run down the dirt path along Vineyard. I was able to find my legs at about 7minutes, which is a lot sooner than last 2 time! Yay - adaptation?? I think that doing most of the training negative splits would be smart since all the sports have 2 loops at CDA. So, I was able to negative split the run today - which felt good!!
total: 33miles/3miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Oh, did I forget to mention that 10:45-11:15am I took Tank for a walk - I walked slow (I was tiiired) and Tank was offleash (not tired and could run more). Didn't need to swim after the brick, but I can't fit one in this weekend, so I did it today. I was planning on taking it somewhat easy....until Daniel said the set, and I had to lead the lane b/c it was not the rest of the boys in my lane forte. Main set: 200 pyramid repeating every distance twice. First repeat was kick, second repeat was swim. Everything was on the :45 base - which is pretty moving. Needless to say, my legs are dead!!! And I'm tiiiired!
total: 3700yds
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
resting hr: 66
soreness/fatigue: 4 - I don't know WHY I'm as sore as I am, espcially with a day off! hmm..interesting.
Cycle 8:30-9:45am
Rode the Dublin Grade again by myself. It was fine, I was just so randomly sore.
total: 18mi
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Why so sore?! Glad practice was easy! HA!
total: 3200yds
Monday, September 21, 2009
Weekly totals
I had to coach TVM 5am and 11:30am. Nathan also had the day off, so I took a day off of training too.
Last weeks total:
total hrs trained: 15hrs 20mins
ytd time: 29hrs 40mins
Swim -
time: 6 hrs
distance: 16,500 yds
ytd time: 10hrs 30mins
ytd distance: 27,000 yds
Bike -
time: 5hrs 25mins
distance: 78 miles
ytd time: 11hrs 40mins
ytd distance: 192miles
Run -
time: 2hrs 55mins
distance: 17miles
ytd time: 5hrs 30mins
ytd distance: 32miles
Sunday, September 20, 2009
fatigue/soreness: 5 - I nonpurposely placed 3 out of 4 running workouts in a row. (I won't do that again! ha)
Run 10:20-11:20am
Izzie did a Sunday swim workout at Club Sport and invited me to run home with her (and she'd drive me back to my car). It was a longer run than either of us needed, but shes trying to cram some more workouts in and I'll just go along with things. Ran the 680 path that goes all the way to Main St. Bridge and then to her house. We took about a 5 min break to figure out which way to go and get some water, so ran about 55 mins.
total: 6 miles
Then I went to LVTC and hung out with Josh Davis (1996, 2000 Olympics) and Aaron Peirsol (2000, 2004, 2008 Olympics and multiple world records). Josh Davis was an inspiration to me in high school b/c he professed his Christianity, and as a celebrity athlete that was so cool for me as I was figuring out my faith-athlete integration. Josh runs a great show and keeps the kids super engaged. Aaron, a little out of shape since Rome, was AMAZING to watch in the water. Awesome day!
soreness/fatigue: 3/4 - could only majorily feel it on the bike this morning
Brick 6:45-8:45am
Well, we were going to start at 6:30am, but it was still dark and we didn't want to take lights. So, we started at 6:45am - sun juuuust coming lighting the sky. Jeremy wanted to get in 1 last ride before heading back to Davis, Izzie needed to make it back in time to swim, and I technically only needed to ride for 1 hour. Well, we were out for about 1.5 hrs. I made a transition VERY quickly b/c I was also short on time. Grabbed shoes and Tank and was off for a 20 min run. It was at "dog pace" which is fine, I just am happy that it seemed like a better transition for my legs than last time!
total: 24 mi/2mi
Then I headed out to LVTC where LAC was hosting a swim clinic with 3 Olympians. Saturday was Ben and Randal (not olympian - "just" world champion). It was awesome. Crazy that they are basically my age, but seem almost "larger than life." Sunday we will have Aaron and Josh, can't wait.
Saturday night we went to a housewarming party for Tim and Jamie Banks - very fun! Great house in Livermore! And awesome to hang out with the family friends 2 in 1 month! :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 2
Cycle 9:45-11am
I got to ride with Erin today! Took her up Kilkare for the first time. It was already pretty hot outside, but Kilkare is always pretty and shaded well. She didn't get much recovery time before she went to TVM. Opps.
total: 17 miles
Run take #1 1pm
The schedule was to run 45 mins. That distance Tank can do and I like to include him! So, we tried. It was 98 degrees out and by 10 mins in I look behind me and Tank is seated underneath a tree protesting to go any further. I wasn't having much fun myself in the heat, so we turned around and walked back.
Run take #2 9-9:45pm
I'm proud I actually got out and ran! The weather was FINALLY cool enough. I ran with a headlamp, which was exciting. Stayed on the sidewalks so Nathan would not worry. It actually felt good, but my big toes hurt. Why?! Just the bottum of my big toes. Weird.
total: 5 miles
soreness/fatigue: about a 3 of soreness from weights yesterday
Cycle 9-10:15am
Rode the Dublin grade by myself. Took me a little over an hour, but I also had some stoplights and stopped to take off my jacket; so, I think it could be a good 1 hour ride with some pretty decent climbing.
total: 18 miles
TVM Swim 11:30am -1pm
Two days in a row Daniel gave hard sets. Todays main set was shorter, more rest, but still demanding. It was 4x300 broken into: 100 build @1:20 try to go a 1:05 + 2x50 @:45 fast try to go :30 + 100 strong @1:20 try to go a 1:05. I was able to go 105's pretty easily, but going 3o on 50's is hard for me. I was holding about 32 to the feet.
total: 3800 yds
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 2 - not much
Nathan had some of the morning off, so I spent it with him and did not to my bike ride. It's alright, I can fit it in somewhere else. And it ended up a good idea since swimming was KILLER!
TVM Swim 11:20am -1pm
We did about 2,000yds that were warmup, easy, drilling, underwater kick.
Main set was: 20x100
and then repeated that. OMG - it was the first time in a LONG time that I felt like throwing up! But I made it - awesome!
total: 4500 yds
Weights 2-3pm
Did the weight routine, light 2x15 reps of the whole workout.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
soreness/fatigue: 3 -not bad
Run 9:30-10:30am
The workout was 45 min steady run + 4x(:20 sprint + :40 recovery). We've been trying to find some dirt/trails to run on. I was training by myself today. Me and Tank went to The Ridge b/c I swear "I knew" a somewhat flat trail. Wweeelllll, the somewhat flat lasted about 5 mins and then we had to go up! It was gorgeous so I can't complain.
total: maybe about 4 miles
TVM Swimming 11:30am-1pm
Main set today was: 3x(5x100+4x50). The 50's always easy/recovery nonfree on 1:00. The 100's was: round 1 @ 1:20, round 2 @1:15, round 3 @1:10. It was good, I was able to do the last round pretty much without kicking - did a 1:05, 1:05, 1:06, 1:06, 1:05.
total: 4100 yds
Monday, September 14, 2009
Soreness/fatigue: 4 - ankles sore after the long run yesterday.
Cycle 7:30-9am
Jeremy came out with me and Izzie. I got a flat on the way out. We rode out to Tuscany and did 7x:20 sprint + 2:00 active recovery. Jeremy did hill repeats behind us, probably just as many as we did.
total: 20 miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
total: 4100 yds
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fri, Sat, & Sun
Cycle 8-10:30am
We rode Calavares again, to The Wall. So much easier than it was on Monday. It was already really warm outside.
total: 40 mi
Run 1:30-2pm
We were suppose to go on a 25min "recovery run." It was 97 degrees out. I brough Tank, and boy did he overheat.
Me and Adam headed out of town at 8pm Friday night. We arrived in Tuolomne at about midnight and slept in the back of his truck. We spent Saturday climbing. It was my first time out on rock since over a year, so I was STOKED! So fun. We drove home Saturday night, ate In-N-Out at about 10pm, and was home by 11pm.
Run 7:30-8:35am
This morning was our long run. I woke up after climbing SO INCREDIBLY SORE! But - I had to run. Izzie kicked my butt, I went at a very nice pace I could keep for over an hour. I need to figure out how far we ran.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
resting hr: 72
soreness/fatigue: less sore but well fatigued, about 5
Cycle 8am-9:30am
We were supposed to do a 1 hr ride (ended up about 1.5hrs) with 6x(:20 intensity sprints + 2:00 active recovery). We rode out to the Tuscany loop as warm-up and then did the interval repeats along Tuscany. At first I thought 20secs was wimpy, but by #6 boy did it burn! Pushing 24mph.
total: 20 miles
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
Its been a LONG time since I've swam "hard" being this fatigued. The main set was 6x200 on 2:40 descend 1-3, 4-6 (goal given of: 2:20, 2:15, 2:10). Then 6x100 on 1:20 descend 1-3, 4-6.
total: 3500yds
resting hr: 72
fatigue/soreness: about a 5 - feeling it
9/9 Brick 7:30-9am
The workout was to go for a 45 min moderate ride + a 15 min transition run immediately after. At first I thought this was way too short of distances/time, but this morning I was glad b/c of the soreness I was already feeling. We rode through Livermore to keep it easy and looped around Izzies neighborhood for the run.
The schedule didn't have a swim workout today, but we did anyways.
TVM Swim 11:30am-1pm
I moved to the guppy lane and let the boys in lane 1 do the main a little more challenging than I wanted. I did alright with how tired I was, I was able to descend my 300's.
total: 3200yds
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day 2: run & swim
resting HR: 60
soreness/fatigue: minimal
Run: 7-8am
We did Happy Valley - the workout was a 45 min steady run + some set of fartleks at the end.
Total: 45 min was 4.8 miles + whatever the fartleks were
Yoga: 9:30-10:30am
Its a good way to MAKE me stretch. Which was nice after the run. I'd like to make time for it once a week at LVTC.
TVM Swim: 11:30-1pm
It was pretty easy. I could hold a lot of water, so I felt good. Was able to even kick under overs without the legs cramping.
total: 3500 yds
Monday, September 7, 2009
Me and Izzie rode Calaveras this morning. It was beautiful at 7am - the sun on the water and in the trees. It was my FIRST time on the bike since the Death Ride (July 11); so even if it was just Calaveras, it was still hard! Instead of swimming, me and Nathan went to Raging Waters with the Bromleys and Craigs.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
9/5 TVM 8:30-10am
6 days in a row! HOLY COW! I must be a swimmer or something. Not too sore from weights. More shoulder sore from swimming so much this week.
total: 3700 yds
Friday, September 4, 2009
9/3 & 9/4
Boring practice.
total: 4000yds
TVMers went out to The Hopyard Thursday night to hang out and celebrate Loren's "change of career path." It was fun and nice to see everyone hang out socially and get a beer. Nathan got to meet Karin and Doug, and start to understand his IM CDA official sherpa job! ;)
9/4 Run 10:30-11:15am
Me and Tank ran to the pool. Tank was more tired than me which was a good sign! :) It was an easy run for being sick all week.
total: 4 miles
9/4 TVM 11:30am-1pm
Kelly tricked us on speed day today. She leads us up to believe we were doing a 1000yds for time. I was prepared thinking this would be a good base time to see how much I could improve (though oh boy it would've been hard).
total: 3500yds
9/4 Weights 4-5:30pm
After a private lesson I decided to try Karin's Ironman weight routine. It's good, but long. Granted this was my first time through, but it took at least 1hr20mins. Annnd, I think I'll be nice and sore tomorrow! ;)
total: complete routine 1hr20mins
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I think I'm pretty much in some sort of reasonable shape. After yesterdays good,hard workout I was able to come back today and have a good workout again. The set was 3x200 on 4:00. #1 was broken at the 50, 100, 50. #2 was broken at 100, 100. And #3 was straight. We did 3 IM and then 3 Free. IM was IM for me - we had 5 people in our lane today my fly felt broken and the other strokes are not quite put together yet (no worries). On the 200IM straight I went a 2:27 which is actually very good (and only flipped 1 turn - fly to fly)! I wasn't expecting much on the free 200s but was somewhat keeping up with Adam C. which pushed me a little more. Adam P slid over to the guppy lane, which made the lane from 5 people to 4 people and a little more room for me and Karin at the end. Scott and Adam C. said they were gonna go 2:00 on the last one and the girls had a +:05 goal as well (which me and Karin laughed at, hoping to break 2:10). Well, Adam C. died and I ended up going a 2:06 which is very good. So, I'm happy. Talked with Karin and Doug a little more after practice and got Karins workout plan for the Ironman. Very exciting!
total: 3200yds
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
John in hospital & Lisa get sick..
I was going to actually start training on Monday, with a plan from one of the books I had. But then I got sick. Sunday it crept up and then Monday hit like a train! It's fine - one week of being sick and Izzie hanging out at the hospital is not gonna do anything.
I talked with Karin and Doug a little more after TVM practice yesterday (9/1) and it was GREAT! Karins got the training plan shes gonna bring, and we're all going to meet as they share some tips! I was telling them how many youtube videos I've been watching to get familiarized, and how the swim start honestly looks the most scary. In great confidence, "oh, don't worry - we've got tips for that too!" AWESOME.
here's a picture of what makes me worried...

8/31 TVM 11:30am
total: Monday easy sick day...I didn't think it was worth counting
9/1 TVM 11:30am
the joys of training with a sibling is still sibling bickering...haha. I was sick and Adam was doing the set "wrong" or "not smart" and it as affecting my workout. My energy was zapped after that main set!
total: 3700yds
Saturday, August 29, 2009
8/28 TVM 11:30AM
5 DAYS IN A ROW! Wow, 100% attendance is something I don't even rarely do when I consider myself in shape! It's easiest for me to get a good aerobic base from swimming and then have the confidence to do the other sports. IM day.
total: 3200 yds
Friday, August 28, 2009
Speed day. Main set was: (6x50+1x100recover@2:00) We did this 4 times - 50's@:35, @:45, @:55, and @1:05 - yaknow, with the point of getting them faster. Ugh - I did try on all of them. Made the 35's. Held about :31 on the next 2 sets and finished off with :30's on the last set. Overall a great speed set for my 4th practice in a row still working on getting back in shape
total: 3500yds
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
8/24 TVM 11:30am
easy Monday workout, nice to just stretch out.
total: 3200 yds
8/25 TVM 6:30pm
A good main set from Loren, I pushed it and it showed how out of shape I am. The set was (2x50@:50+1x100fast@1:20)(2x50@:45+1x100fast@1:20)(2x50@:40+1x100fast@1:20) my 100's were 1:07, 1:05, 1:04. Then we did (4x50@:50+1x200fast@2:40) etc same pattern as the 100's. My times for the 200's were 2:12, 2:14, 2:15. Ouch! Jaime did push me really well!
total: 4000yds
8/26 TVM 11:30am
First, me and Tank walked the 4 miles to the pool (that was my "run" for the day). Practice today was not bad, but I was BEAT after last nights workout (just not in shape yet). Getting there.
total: 3500yds
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
still not training...
Tuesday TVM 11:30am
total: 3100 yds
Wednesday TVM 11:30am
total: 4200 yds
Maui Vacation
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The nice thing is that I don't plan on starting my real training until September. I am on the "swimmers schedule" where you take most of August off and your season starts in September. So, right now I will not beat myself up for being lazy - as I think it will be the only time I can in the next 10 months!
The next training will consist of vacationing in Maui - we leave MONDAY!!! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009
A quick 45 min weight session at LVTC. I also lifted Monday (primarily lower body) so today was primarily upper body.
11:30 am - TVM
Well, 3 days in a row for the first time since June, and I'm feeling it! Had to be bumped back up to lane #1 (fast lane), though I wanted to stay in comfy lane #2! ;) High intensity stuff for time was not too hot, but oh well.
total: 3500 yds
Noon: TVM Swim
I was only able to swim 1 hour yesterday b/c of a private swim lesson. But the 1 hour felt better than Tuesdays swim. Me and Adam C decided to go through the whole main set without any "masters breaks" - so it was turned into a nice/somewhat hard, long aerobic set. Still not feeling the water 100%, but that is expected. The was all I did yesterday, besides go on probably a 2 mile walk with Tank.
total: 2500 yds
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Journey begins...
Yesterday (8/3/09) me and Izzie signed up for Ironman Coeur d’Alene! I have had a goal of completing an Ironman and am VERY excited that in less than 1 year I will have to opportunity to try!
I am eager to start training. This is going to take some real commitment in training, something I have not done since college swimming. I am grateful that Nathan is supportive of my endeavour and commitment! I plan on actually reading some of the tri books I have and developing a smart training regime, so I will not be over-trained in 1 year.
Izzie is a talented athlete. I have always enjoyed training with her as we have a good balance of work, fun, and neither of us take ourselves/our training too seriously. I am very grateful to not do it alone! This will be her FIRST triathlon… I know, shes hardcore.
I am going to use this primarily as a training log of miles, times, moods, experiences, etc. I want to be able to monitor the numbers and my psychological experiences during different parts of the season. I am doubtful that this will be read for entertainment, and I don’t blame you!
6:30am - LVTC Hot Running Moms (that is what I’m going to call them - HRM)
This was my first run with this group. I coach a lot of their children in the summer rec team at LVTC. They joked and asked, “what are you like 18?” I think its going to be a great group to train with!
total: 4 miles at 8:50 pace
Thrilled at that pace seeing its my first “real” run since the Big Kahuna (9/07). In 2008 my TOTAL mileage was (no joke) under 15 miles. So, needless to say, I’m out of shape.
I need to get my new shoes, me knees/feet hurt - hopefully theyll come ito REI today!
11:30am - Tri Valley Masters
Oh boy am I out of shape! The summer with minimal swimming, today was pretty pathetic. Can't wait til I can feel/hold the water.
total: 4,000 yds